Friday, May 29, 2009

Simply Life

I've had a quiet week, half with Mick and Debbie in Ashburton and the other few days with Biff in Hillcrest.
But my friend Rosemary came up on Wednesday. I have known her since I was 12 and we have remained friends. When we meet up, even if it's been years, it's as if no time has
gone by at all. She just returned from a 10 day trip to Mozambique and brought her photos - I want to go there! It is absolutely gorgeous, really tropical with no crazy Americans around :) I will see her again tomorrow as we are going to "the cottage" at Clanstal. It has always been a favorite place for me, been going there since I was 16. Zoze is coming too, and we will go down tomorrow morning for the weekend.

Yesterday, I went to tea with "the girls," friends of Zoze who she has been meeting with for almost 40 years. (They are all a bunch of gray haired ladies so I fit in.) They used to meet to play tennis, but now a lot of them have bionic parts so they are reduced to drinking tea and coffee and swapping stories! We actually went to a coffee shop in a nursery which is a common thing here, and I think a good idea. I remember going there a few years ago and it has grown - and lost the ambience, which is too bad. But it was fun nevertheless.

Today I finally got to see Biff's shop. How amazing what he does with these what look like wrecks! He has three bays in a complex and there are cars in all states of restoration. Check out the Rolls Royce he is working on! Then the other image is the Delahaye (sp) and it is mostly wood! So not only does he fix the engines, but he does wood work, metal work, metal casting, you name it, he does it. He is so talented - he pointed to a couple of big nuts that hold down the hood of the Jensen that he has almost finished and said, "This needs a locknut. I only have one so I will have to make the other." And sure enough, he will.

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